Dear Reader,

I am pleased to present the fourth IOM Zambia Newsletter. It contains the latest information on IOM's activities and projects, as well as insights into the migration context in Zambia.

We are proud of all the exceptional work being done by IOM Zambia to help resolve the complicated issues surrounding migration. Our Migration Health team have spearheaded innovative efforts to curb the spread of HIV/AIDS in fishing communities in Southern Province by increasing understanding of the role of improved access to financial systems like mobile banking. The mining sector has also been targeted in scaling up domestication of the provisions of the SADC Declaration on Tuberculosis in the Mining Sector. The Counter Trafficking team has also been instrumental in developing a training manual for law enforcement officers in the operationalization of the Anti-Human Trafficking Act No. 11 of 2008.

Partnerships and collaborations are a vital aspect of what we do as IOM.  IOM has established new partnerships with Ministry of Justice and the Directorate of Public Prosecutions and the creation of an Expert Group on the Development of Prosecutors Manual is an important step in ensuring successful prosecution of trafficking cases. The continued partnership between IOM and Zambia's law enforcement has led to successful project implementation.

 IOM Zambia has strengthened its partnership with Zambia Police and has worked closely with Zambia Police to create an Electronic Occurrence Book, a digitalization of police records that will improve the operations of law enforcement for the benefit of migrants and all the people in Zambia. IOM also continues to work as part of the United Nations Joint Programme on Human Trafficking (ILO, IOM ,UNICEF). The hosting of the Human Trafficking Symposium by Government with support from the United Nations Joint Programme on Human Trafficking brought together government agencies, intergovernmental organisations, local NGOs and other stakeholders from across the nation to collaborate and coordinate a unified response to human trafficking.

Whether it is migrant's health, human trafficking, or border management, IOM Zambia is committed to the goal of “migration for the benefit of all.”

We thank our partners in government, civil society and the private sector for their continued support.

Thank You!

Dr. Andrew  Choga
Chief of Mission