Marie is the winner of the drawing competition organized at the Automnales exhibit in Geneva in November 2013, entitled “What is a migrant for your? Draw a migrant” (7 to 10 years old category). Marie told us where her inspiration came for the drawing: “I have a friend who has lived such a situation and told me the tale; I thought of her when I made this drawing. She was in school with me here in Geneva and she told me that there was a flood in her country and she escaped with all her family and friends on the roof of a bus. She was scared and she was sad also because she could not bring along with her belongings and had to leave her house. I was also sad for her but we can’t decide of everything in life, this is how it is. My friend came here to Geneva and was in my school for two years and then went back to her country but I remember her story. “ Below are other entries from children who sketched from their own understanding or from the experiences of people they knew.