"We are very proud of this work we are doing on behalf of the community." – Fernando Villarreal, Chilean Army Lieutenant in charge of army group working on the construction of homes in the community of Coronel in the Bio Bio Region.

Stories abound on the coming together of communities working to rebuild the most affected areas after the devastating earthquake of 27 February.

Victims of the earthquake, members of the community, volunteers from the public at large and the military are working shoulder to shoulder in the reconstruction efforts.

IOM is working with the Government of Chile, local authorities and NGOs in the construction of more than 1,000 temporary homes in the Maule and Bio Bio regions of southern Chile, with funding from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

"The hard work and dedication of the Chilean Army from the very first hours after the earthquake is highly commendable and has been an incentive for the affected families to participate in the rebuilding efforts.  The military played a key role in the delivery of humanitarian assistance in the hardest hit areas, and they are continuing that commitment by participating in the actual building of the temporary homes," explains Viviana Mellado, Head of the IOM Mission in Chile.

The community of Coronel in the Santa Elena Sector of the Bio Bio Region is a perfect example of community spirit and solidarity.  So far, 150 temporary homes have been built by the beneficiaries and a group of more than 80 military staff who have worked tirelessly the past few weeks in the reconstruction.

The neighbors of this small community have told IOM: "Military support has been vital.  We are so grateful for their help in laying the foundation so that we can take over and finish the homes."

Twenty-six-year-old Coronel Fernando Villarreal is in charge of coordinating the work of the soldiers.  "Our collaboration in this construction project had led to a better understanding of the work that we do and how important the army can be, not just to defend the country in battle, but to protect our homeland and fellow citizens in times of crisis.  We are proud to be providing this support to the community," says Villarreal.

Although this is the first time that he and his men are carrying out this type of work, Villarreal says it has taught them just how much can be achieved when the military is able to work with a community and towards the same goal.

He is aware that this is part of his job, but the sincere thanks he receives everyday from everyone in the community have kept him motivated and has strengthened his leadership role.

"The residents see us as heroes.  People need to feel secure and supported.  But we have families also, and being far away from them has been a big sacrifice for us.  I have been personally impacted by the needs in this community.  We have worked many long hours, now we are almost at the finish line and soon people can move in to their new homes," adds Villarreal.

Community Appreciation

The neighbours hail the work done by the military: "The military has provided invaluable support.  We came together spontaneously and got to work."

The women have taken charge of cutting wood, ordering nails, and classifying the construction materials, amongst other things.  The unemployed men work all day alongside the military, and those who have jobs join the ranks after returning from their jobs.

According to the Government of Chile, some 160,000 homes (37 per cent of them in the Bío Bío Region) were damaged beyond repair.  Official estimates place the number of persons in need of emergency shelter support at 100,000.

IOM developed the project with an emphasis on local labour and local building materials to help the local economy which was also affected by the earthquake.

Currently, there is construction underway in Portezuelo, Parral, Cabrero and Quirihue where some 120 soldiers and another 200 persons are putting the house panels and then moving the structures to the designated areas.  Some 100 of these workers are women.

Families Working Together

Working side by side, day after day has allowed for deep friendship to blossom and to an untold number of acts of solidarity amongst the victims of the earthquake.

Lieutenant Villarrreal says,  "This work has helped us understand what these people have gone through.  The families feel like they have support and that someone is here caring for them.  To show their appreciation, the 150 families put together their meager resources and prepared a generous banquet for us.  That was the best thank you we could have possibly received."

For more information please contact:

Viviana Mellado
IOM Chile
Tel: +56.2. 274.6713
Email: vmellado@iom.int