1. Reallocation site Darkawaye- Bongor

IOM CoM Qasim Sufi (top center) meets local authorities during the handing over ceremony.
Flood-affected population preparing for transportation to resettlement site.

After almost two months of joint work, IOM Chad and the Government of Mayo Boney concluded the reallocation of flood affected population living in the woods of Mayo Boney to the location of Darkawaye.

The preparations started in January 2013 when the local authorities of Mayo Boney Kebi Est allocated 450,000m2 of land to be occupied by the flood-affected population of Bongor. The municipality of Bongor took the initiative to carry out topographic studies and clear the plots to be placed at the disposal of the flood affected families. IOM Chad with support of funding from Germany constructed two wells to facilitate water acess upon the request of local authoritries.



NFI Distribution:
1,289 NFIs kits
6,643 Beneficiaries

Food Distribution
15,521 kg of staple food
2,414 beneficiaries

Medical Referrals
1,837 Patients

On February 21st, 2013 IOM Chad started the resstlement operations. Twelve IOM staff, including logisticians, registration -, operations - and security officers as well as community mobilizers and medical staff supported the resettlement of 130 families. Four buses were used for beneficiaries transport and two 7-ton trucks carried their heavy lugages and live stock to the new settlement area.Bongor Municipality officers were present in Darkawaye site to provide security and to allocate each plot to the respective beneficiary family.

To facilitate their settlement, IOM distributed NFIs on location of Darkawaye. The beneficiaries families received NFI kits composed of blankets, bed mats, mosquito nets, jerry cans, buckets, pans and plates. IOM also distributeds hygiene kits containing soap and tooth paste.

The World Food Program (WFP) provided 3,477 kg of sorgot, beans and salt which were distributed to the beneficiaries.

All activities were monitored closely by local authorities and humanitarian partners. The Governor of Mayo Boney Mr. Ali Youssouf Kella, IOM Chad Chief of Mission Dr. Qasim Sufi, Mr. Oki Mahamat Dagachethe - Head of the Coordination Nationale de Soutien aux Activités Humanitaires et au Détachement Intégré de Sécurité (CONSAHDIS) and other local authorities were present during the operations and monitored the joint works.

In total 130 families ( 1,000 persons) are now living in Darkawaye an area not affected by floods.


Borehole cleaning and rehabilitation

2. WASH Activities Hadjar Lamis

IOM partner for WASH activities MERLIN continues to mobilize the communities in Hadjar Lamis. Durign the reporting period, several meetings with the local poputalion to introduce the teams and explain the activities took place. On the locations of Kilia, Kasalare and Djabalmara, awareness and door to door campagne on water, hygiene and sanitation promotion took place. The latrine construction started in 5 villages ( Doumboulki, Roumaya, Gonde, Kakaraya & Djilem I). In Doumboulki & Roumaya empty barrels were installed as well. Two boreholes were cleaned in Sidje.

For further information contact:

Francisco Furlani,
Email: ffurlani@iom.int
Tel: +23562930082


Anne Schaefer,
Email: aschaefer@iom.int
Tel: +23562901118