Travelling internationally means being prepared: obtaining the required travel documents, acquiring the destination country's currency, and overcoming language barriers. Developed to facilitate the migration journey, many of MigApp's core features can improve the travelling experience of anyone.

#1: Secure My Documents

Save a copy of your travel documents on MigApp's encrypted Secure Documents feature. Even if your phone is damaged or lost/stolen, you can access your documents by simply logging into your MigApp account from any smartphone.

#2: Doctor Translate

MigApp’s built-in universal doctor-patient translator allows you to overcome language barriers when visiting a doctor. After selecting your preferred language (and that of the doctor’s), MigApp takes you through a step-by-step translation process based on typical doctor-patient conversations. The App offers two ways the patient and doctor can communicate; by showing/reading the written translation on the phone or by using the audio playback.

#3: Share My Location

MigApp’s Share My Location feature allows the sharing of location with friends and family via SMS, email and other messaging services. With some countries blocking certain messengers, MigApp provides an alternative option to share your location.

#4: Health Regulations

The App's Travel, Visa & Health feature simplifies access to reliable information about the health requirements of your destination country. After selecting your nationality, MigApp provides an overview of vaccination and other health requirements for over 150 countries. 

#5: Money Transfer

MigApp’s Money Transfer feature also acts as a currency converter by listing the best exchange rates available. Developed to compare remittance costs, the tool also ranks the cost and speed of each provider.

Download MigApp for Android or iOS